Family is something that means the world to me. If you know me, that is apart of the package that is Deandre. This was why coming out was a difficult task. I didn't know how my family would react. There were so many of my friends who lost their families in becoming themselves. That was not the case for me. For this, I am grateful.
This is my uncle David and I while we were on the road in Canada. I needed a haircut for a job interview. At the time, I was looking a little rough. Usually I cut our hairs due to covid, going places that put us each at risk, and I find it comforting. Anyhow, I want to highlight my love for this man. My mom asked me to move home to help take care of him. He is on the Spectrum so it is difficult at time. When I am not traveling solo, he is usually right along side me. You may be asking where are the pictures?
Someone said I was ashamed of David. Far from it. He doesn't have agency and I am his advocate. I love taking pictures, but that does not mean he wants to. Some times, he has no choice like for instances, at family functions. It just is something I adjust to like how I interact with him. Each day is not the same. I feel as if like with children, they will ask, He asked a few times if he can get in the picture showing his comfort level. So of course, I encourage it but it is not mandatory.
By allowing David to be himself, I am supporting him. That is love. This is one of the main ways I allow him to be himself. It isn't always easy, but loving someone rarely is. More adventures to come. Stay tuned.