It's okay, to not be okay
My last trip back in December was a shit fire. It included so many hiccups, but overall enjoyable. The same can not be said for my recent return to jamacia journey. It is sad when the best part of the trip was returning home. Words I thought I would never say. Leaving California for new places is a special joy I have, but not this time. Here is a quote I tried to embody, a bad day does not make a bad life. This is true. My trip was a disappointment for my mom's birthday, and in truth, I could have stayed home and been more satisfied. The baggage drama was understandable and not a huge deal. Next came, having to leave a villa for a five star resort. Sounds good, in theory. Our goal was not to socialize and be in a big crowd such as a resort. So this was a letdown and what led to it was also unsatisfactory. We endured scammers and lost money trying to be honorable people. Integrity should not be a burden, but I digress. Staying at a hotel we had no plans to was not why we wanted to return to Jamaica. So overall this trip was a 1.5 out of 5 for me. Not the destination, the culture or people's fault. Just the circumstances and being put in a bind. In all honesty, my mom just like me would have just preferred to leave. That would have been the solution we later learned from one another on our final two days. We knew what we wanted and once this was impossible to achieve, we could have simply removed ourselves and been none the wiser. Once again, one lives and learns.